W.H. Bell, General manager of the Asiatic Petroleum (S.C.) Company, covering South China and the Philippine Islands

IDJ has sent the following newspaper article which was published in the Hong Kong Sunday Herald in a 1930s long series entitled Hong Kong Personalities.

HF: I have retyped the original article to aid clarity and searches.

Thanks to SCT for proofreading the retyped copy of the article.


W.H. Bell HK Sunday Herald 12th August 1934 From IDJ


This is the second of the exclusive “Sunday Herald” series of sketches of leading Colony residents by Mr. A.S. Konya, the talented Hungarian artist.

The Hon. Mr. W.H. Bell, General Manager of the Asiatic Petroleum Company (S.C.) Ltd., covering South China and the Philippine Islands, and a Member of the Legislative Council, has been in the East for over 40 years, and is well known for his activities in connection with the charitable institutions of the Colony, as well as for his wide influence in the business life of Hong Kong. He has been with the A.P.C. for 25 years.

Mr. Bell is a member of the Council of the Hong Kong University, and Vice Chairman of the China Association, while his interest in charity is evidenced by his place on the committee of the Alice Memorial Hospital. He is Chairman of the War Memorial Hospital, a director of the European Y.M.C.A., and enthusiastic member of Toc H., and of the Rotary Club.


His interest in the youth of the Colony is shown by his membership of the Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps, while in business he lends his wide experience as Vice Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce.

Among the directorates of which he is a member are the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, in which Company he started his career in the East, Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels Ltd., and the Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock Company Ltd.

A keen sporting man, Mr. Bell plays tennis, swims, drives his own car etc., while, as a hobby, he takes a great interest in aviation.

Source: Hong Kong Sunday Herald 12th August 1934.

This article was first posted on 2nd April 2022.

Related Indhhk articles:

  1. Asiatic Petroleum Company employees, a compilation – information needed
  2. Asiatic Petroleum Company, China – family connections
  3. Asiatic Petroleum Company – contemporary photographs of its Shanghai building
  4. Asiatic Petroleum Company staff photo, Shanghai 1930s
  5. Asiatic Petroleum Company Ltd – links to Arnhold & Company
  6. Walter George Babb, Employee of the Asiatic Petroleum Co, UK, 1911 – information wanted
  7. BAAG records of shipping in HK during 1944-45 – the Fukuan Maru, ex-Shu Kwang operated by Asiatic Petroleum Company
  8. Yung Hao tanker – requisitioned by HK Government 1951 leading to China’s requisitioning of Asiatic Petroleum Co
  9. Joe MacDonald – Asiatic Petroleum employee, China/HK late 1930s
  10. Asiatic Petroleum Company – Shanghai building , further information
  11. Louis Auguste Cossart, Chief Accountant, Asiatic Petroleum (SC) Ltd, Hong Kong

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