Cheung Chau 1936 – street lights and intriguing barrels

Elizabeth Ride has sent this photo of Cheung Chau in 1936 showing street lighting, which she thinks may be gas. And a row of barrels in the background on the seawall. Elizabeth wonders if the barrels were being imported or exported from the island.

Can you confirm it is indeed gas street lighting and suggest what lovely delights are hidden within the barrels?

Cheung Chau 1930s photo from Eliz Ride

Lindsay Ride (LTR) photo

Thomas Ngan suggests looking at this This is a photo of  Tai O in the 1930s which shows wooden tubs. trestles, planks, mats and round trays. A similiar scene and period to the Lindsay Ride photo above. Also comments from David Bellis and Thomas himself about what the picture shows.

HF: What about the street lights on Cheung Chau. Can anyone provide further information about these?

This article was first posted on 10th March 2019.

Related Indhhk articles:

  1. Cheung Chau Electric Company
  2. Cheung Chau Electric Company – further information
  3. Cheung Chau Island Industry


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