BAAG Report KWIZ #78 Naval Reports – information about Kowloon Godown, A.P.C., Cosmopolitan Dock, Taikoo Docks, Naval Dockyard, Kowloon Docks, Tsunan Shipyard, No.3 Kowloon Godowns, Holt’s Wharf, No.3 Kowloon Wharf, Douglas Wharf
HF: Please note the first pages of this report are missing.
Elizabeth Ride has sent BAAG Report KWIZ #78, date unknown, and noted earlier: After KWIZ #4, the Naval section is not included in the AWM papers, and does not appear again until KWIZ #66, and then in a slightly different format.
HF: I am afraid because of time constraints I am no longer able to summarize and list the most salient points in KWIZ reports as I did with the BAAG Naval Intelligence Reports, many of which are listed in our Index.
HF: If you are able to provide images of vessels or locations mentioned in this report or information about subjects referred to which you think is relevant to our website I would be delighted to hear from you.

Japanese destroyer Yugure, underway in the 1930s, Courtesy: World War 11 Database
The British Army Aid Group (BAAG) was a military intelligence unit which operated in China between March 1942 and December 1945, originally as a branch of MI9. The officers were mainly European men with a Hongkong connection, and the operative agents were mostly local Hongkong men and women who offered their services, often at great risk, in occupied Hongkong and outside, in the fight for the restoration of their home and freedom. Throughout the the war the BAAG provided unique intelligence – military, political and economic – about conditions in both Hongkong and China; they also gave medical and humanitarian assistance to civilians and military alike, and eventually were able to play a part in the restoration of legal rule in Hongkong.
Further information:
- For general information about the Elizabeth Ride collection, her father Sir Lindsay Ride, and the British Army Aid group during WW2 a very useful introduction is through
- The BAAG papers are kept at the Hong Kong Heritage Project
Our Index contains several examples of BAAG Naval Section Intelligence Summaries, other BAAG material plus many articles about Hong Kong during the Second World War.
This article was first posted on 16th February 2021.
Related Indhhk articles:
- BAAG Report KWIZ#1, Naval Reports
- BAAG Report KWIZ#2, Naval Reports
- BAAG Report KWIZ#3, Naval Reports
- BAAG Report KWIZ#4, Naval Reports
- BAAG Report KWIZ #66 Naval Reports – information about Taikoo, Aberdeen, Kowloon & Cosmopolitan dockyards
- BAAG Report KWIZ #67 Naval Reports
- BAAG Report KWIZ #68 Naval Reports – sketch plan of Naval Dockyard 1944
- BAAG Report KWIZ #69 Naval Reports
- BAAG Report KWIZ #70 Naval Reports – information about Kowloon, Taikoo, Naval and Cosmopolitan dockyards
- BAAG Report KWIZ #71 Naval Reports – information about Aberdeen,Kowloon, Taikoo and Naval dockyards
- BAAG Report KWIZ #72 Naval Reports – information about Cosmopolitan, Kowloon, Taikoo and Naval dockyards and Kowloon wharves
- BAAG Report KWIZ #73 Naval Reports – information about Holt’s Wharf, Taikoo Docks, Aberdeen Dock, Kowloon Wharves and Kowloon Docks
- BAAG Report KWIZ #74 Naval Reports – information about Naval Dockyard
- BAAG Report KWIZ #75 Naval Reports – information about Holt’s Wharf, Taikoo Dock, Kowloon Dock and Naval Dockyard
- BAAG Report KWIZ #76 Naval Reports – information about Holt’s Wharf, Taikoo Dockyard and the Hongkong Naval Yard
- BAAG Report KWIZ #77 Naval Reports – information about numerous locations of interest
Our Index contains numerous examples of BAAG reports, extracts from them and other articles related to Hong Kong during World War Two.