BAAG Naval Section Intelligence Summary, early November 1942, ship repair, maintenance and movements

BAAG Report WIS #11 Detail 2 A1

Elizabeth Ride has sent the Naval section of a British Army Aid Group (BAAG) Waichow Intelligence Summary (WIS No.11) dated 8th November 1942. This covers shipping movements in and out of Hong Kong during the Japanese occupation in World War Two during mid to late October 1942. These reports also describes time spent by vessels undergoing repairs and maintenance in a […]

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BAAG records of shipping in HK during 1944-45 – the Umeshima Maru

Elizabeth Ride has British Army Aid Group (BAAG) records of shipping movements for 1944-45 in Hong Kong during the Japanese occupation in World War Two. These provide information not only about the ships themselves but what cargo was being brought into and out of Hong Kong during the latter stages of WW2, passengers carried, and of godowns, docks etc that were […]

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BAAG records of shipping in HK during 1944-45 – the Yurin (aka Nirebayashi?) Maru

BAAG KWIZ #66 Detail Yurin

Elizabeth Ride has British Army Aid Group (BAAG) records of shipping movements for 1944-45 in Hong Kong during the Japanese occupation in World War Two. These provide information not only about the ships themselves but what cargo was being brought into and out of Hong Kong during the latter stages of WW2, passengers carried, and of godowns, docks etc that were […]

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BAAG Naval Section Intelligence Summary, mid September 1942, ship repair, maintenance and movements

Elizabeth Ride has sent the Naval section of a British Army Aid Group (BAAG) Waichow Intelligence Summary (WIS No.6) dated 14th September 1942. This covers shipping movements in and out of Hong Kong during the Japanese occupation in World War Two during late August and September 1942 and scheduled sailing dates for October 1942. These reports also describes time spent by […]

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BAAG Report KWIZ #84 Naval Reports – information about Naval, Taikoo, Tung Tai, Ah Kings and Tsunan dockyards

Elizabeth Ride has sent BAAG Report KWIZ #84, dated 2nd February 1945, and noted earlier: After KWIZ #4, the Naval section is not included in the AWM papers, and does not appear again until KWIZ #66, and then in a slightly different format. HF: I am afraid because of time constraints I am no longer able to summarize and list […]

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WW2 Poultry Farms during the Japanese occupation

ER: BAAG Report – KWIZ #71, 20.10.44. This article was first posted on 26th March 2015. Related Indhhk articles:  World War Two – 1945 BAAG report – Dairy supplies in occupied HK The Hong Kong Fishing Industry during World War Two – on the trail of Amakusa Marine A selection of Indhhk articles about HK agriculture and fisheries: Australian cattle to […]

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BAAG records of shipping in HK during 1944-45 – the No.2 Anri Maru, ex-China Navigation Company

Elizabeth Ride has British Army Aid Group (BAAG) records of shipping movements for 1944-45 in Hong Kong during the Japanese occupation in World War Two. These provide information not only about the ships themselves but what cargo was being brought into and out of Hong Kong during the latter stages of WW2, passengers carried, and of godowns, docks etc that were […]

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Ngautaukok Shipyard during the Japanese Occupation, 1942-1945

Elizabeth Ride has sent this brief extract from BAAG Intelligence Summaries written during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, World War Two. Three wooden vessels were reported to be under construction and nearing completion in mid-1944 at the Ngautaukok Shipyard, located South of the Fukui Shipyard.  Only small wooden ships are built here, and work was reported in July 1944 […]

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Collection and export of metals, vehicles, machinery etc during the Japanese occupation, WW2, Part One 1942-1943

Elizabeth Ride has sent a number of British Army Aid Group (BAAG) reports regarding Japanese efforts to collect metals, vehicles, machinery, coins etc for export, mainly to Japan, during their occupation of Hong Kong (WW2). Elizabeth has re-typed several of these reports and has kindly added references to assist searching where this has not been done. This was a considerable effort […]

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Tsunan Shipyard during the Japanese Occupation, 1942-1945

Elizabeth Ride has sent this brief extract from BAAG Intelligence Summaries written during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, World War Two. Among the smaller shipyards, the greatest activity reported in 1944 was at the Tsunan Shipyard in Tokwawan, North of Bailey´s Yard.  Between 40 and 50 small wooden auxiliary vessels were constructed during the year.  The yard also builds […]

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