Dodwell & Company Ltd, 天祥洋行

Dodwell & Company (天祥洋行) was one of the leading British merchant firms, active in China and Japan during the 19th and 20th century. It was a direct rival to Jardine, Matheson & Co. “It was established in 1858 when W R Adamson and Company (silk dealers) set up in London, with its head office in Shanghai and branches in Hong Kong, […]

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Taikoo Dockyard – photos of staff and workers’ facilities – c1954

IDJ has sent these photos extracted from an in-house Taikoo Dockyard publication of 1954. This was the period midway between the dockyard’s expansion after the Second World War during which extensive destruction had been caused both by the Japanese during their occupation in 1942–45 and allied bombing prior to the liberation of Hong Kong. And the Swire Group’s decision in the […]

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Tai Koo Dockyard – 1950s general engineering including Kai Tak hangars, tramcars and wireless masts…

IDJ has sent extracts from an in-house Taikoo Dockyard book of the 1950s which covers a wide range of company facilities, workshops etc. The section of the book shown in this article covers General Engineering and reveals that the yard’s manufacturing skills extended beyond the obvious shipbuilding into a wide range of heavy engineering…and more surprising delights. General Engineering Many […]

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Chinese lighthouse keepers’ wives – 1930s Japanese preference

New information in red regarding Hong Kong lighthouse ladies. IDJ: The script below comes from one of my aviation books related to the 1930s China Coast. It’s an interesting aside about the wives of lighthouse keepers:- “Chinese keepers of the lights had invariably been pirated so often for their large supplies of specially refined kerosene, the lighthouse service found it […]

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Capt Sands’ Slip, c1870s, Sai Wan’s most influential shipyard owner

Stephen Davies: Credit must be given for the information below to a presentation given by Ma Koon You on Hong Kong dockyards at the HK Heritage Discovery Centre a couple of years back, and since supplemented by me. Capt George Underhill Sands (1824-1881) bought the old MacDonald Shipyard in Sai Wan (Western District, HK Island) after a complex history that […]

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British river steamer Sai On’s burnt out hulk reconversion at Cheoy Lee Shipyard, newspaper article

Tak Shing Image From Phil Kenny

IDJ has sent the following newspaper article on the reconstruction work being carried out by the Cheoy Lee Shipyard on the British river steamer, the Sai On. This was necessary as the following brief report details: “A few decades later, Hong Kong saw its most serious shipboard fire incident in the 20th century. In the evening of 4 February 1947, […]

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Cheong Lee Shipyard, Shanghai shipyard makes good in Hong Kong, newspaper article 1950

Cheoy Lee Shipyard 1983 Courtesy HK Memory

IDJ has kindly sent the following newspaper article, published in February 1950 which adds further information to what we have about the Cheoy Lee Shipyard. HF: I have retyped the article exactly as written. Thanks to SCT for proof reading the retyped article. HF: I would be grateful if anyone could send in images of the various vessels mentioned in […]

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Hong Kong Petrochemical Co Ltd – Lok On Pai Jetty, Tun Muen

HF: Photos taken 4th December 2014 by HF of the HKPC Lok On Pai Storage Facility.     See: – the company website This article was first posted on 12th April 2015. Related Indhhk articles: Asiatic Petroleum Company, China – family connections Kawakami Oil Company in WW2 (AKA Socony-Vacuum Oil Company) Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company in Hong Kong Socony-Vacuum Oil […]

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Kowloon (HK & Whampoa) Dockyards during the Occupation 1942-45

Elizabeth Ride: Extracts from reports in the BAAG Intelligence Summaries. 1. Layout. [Map reference 223585: GSGS 3868 HK & New Territories 1/20,000] 2. During hostilities.“Superficial damage was caused by enemy bombing on the first day of the war. Dock gates were not damaged.” 3. During the Occupation. 1942. “The materials left in the Kowloon Docks are rapidly diminishing. There is […]

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