Hong Kong Water Supply – second pipe line to be laid under the harbour to bring water from Shing Mun reservoir, newspaper article 1934

IDJ has sent a newspaper article from 1934 about the laying of a second fresh water pipe from Kowloon under Hong Kong harbour to Central. As with the first pipe the second was being installed to bring water supplies from the Shing Mun reservoir to Hong Kong Island and was to be undertaken by the Public Works Department, Hong Kong.

HF: I have retyped the original article.

Thanks to SCT for proofreading this retyped version.



To Be Laid In November

The provision of a second pipe line across Hong Kong Harbour, to augment the supply of water to the Island from the Shing Mun Valley Scheme, will be undertaken by the Public Works Department during the coming winter.

It may be remembered that the first pipe line was successfully laid in the winter of 1929-30. The pipe line has proved very satisfactory and has given excellent service, in fact it has been of vital importance in alleviating the water shortage experienced during the past few seasons.

In view of its vulnerability as a single pipe line however and also of the fact of water from the Shing Mun Valley, due to the progress made with the construction of the Gorge Dam, will probably be available by the summer of next year, the first pipe line is now to be duplicated but the second pipe line will be of increased size and will have a carrying capacity of approximately double that of the existing pipe line.

Samples Wanted 

The actual materials of which the new pipe line is to be constructed, have not yet been finally decided upon but manufacturers of pipes have been asked to submit proposals both in England and in Hong Kong for this special work. From the experience gained during the laying and subsequent maintenance of the existing pipeline, the proposals submitted will be thoroughly examined and final designs for the new pipe will then be made.

It is anticipated that the laying of the new pipe line will be commenced in November this year and be completed by the end of March next.

Source: Hong Kong Daily Press 15th June 1934

This article was first posted on 21st January 2021.

Related Indhhk articles:

  1. Hong Kong Water Supply – Shing Mun Reservoir
  2. Hong Kong Water Supply – Shing Mun First Section
  3. Gordon Burnett Gifford Hull – Needle Hill Mine, Shing Mun Reservoir
  4. Cross harbour road tunnel – link to planning of Shing Mun reservoir, late 1920s?
  5. Geoffrey Binnie, Engineer 1932–1936, Jubilee Dam, Shing Mun reservoir
  6. Shing Mun Dam and Reservoir – article from the late 1930s
  7. The Shing Mun (Jubilee) Reservoir

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