Plover Cove Reservoir – 1977 Water Supplies Dept report

HF: IDJ has very kindly upgraded two of the photographs and the map included in the following article.

In 1977 (?) the Water Supplies Department published a report publicizing the construction of  Plover Cove reservoir which had been officially opened in January 1969, though the height of the dams was subsequently raised, this being completed in 1973.

Two stages are covered. The first included the Shatin Treatment Works, the Lower Shing Mun reservoir, pumping stations at Tai Po Tau and Lower Shing Mun, and the 13km tunnel and intake system linking Shatin and Tai Po Tau.

Stage two construction involved the conversion of the Plover Cove inlet into an impounding reservoir by building a main dam, two subsidiary dams, and a spillway plus other major works.

Apologies for the rather murky appearance of the script and images. If you come across a better version of the report do let me know.

Plover Cove Map Upgraded Image From IDJ

Plover Cove Tunnel Works Between Tai Po Tau And Plover Cove Upgradedimage From IDJ

Tunnel works between Tai Po Tau and Plover Cove

Plover Cove Fleets Of Lorries Were Used, Upgraded Image From IDJ

Fleets of lorries were used once the dam was raised above water level

Plover Cove Reservoir 1977 WSD report snipped image cross section of the dam

Plover Cove Reservoir 1977 WSD report snipped image Principal Statistics


  1. Water Supplies Department Report: Plover Cove Reservoir

This article was first posted on 24th March 2015.

Our Index contains many articles listed under Reservoir.

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