Gande, Price & Company Ltd – Hong Kong agents and wine and spirits merchants

The firm was established in 1892. It had branches in Hong Kong, Kobe and Taipei.(1) And Shanghai.

Gande, Price & Co Ltd, Large Version Premises In Shanghai 1917 Virtual Shanghai

Gande,Price & Company premises in Shanghai 1917 Courtesy:

Gande, Price & Co Ltd, China Mail 12.12.1928

China Mail 12.12.1928

Gande, Price & Co Ltd, Advert 1934 Courtesy HK Memory

Advert 1934 Courtesy: HK Memory Project

This calendar poster of Gande, Price & Co., Ltd. was designed by Kwan Wai-nung and printed by Asiatic Lithographic Printing Press. The lady in cheongsam leaned against the Western-styled sofa. The English name of the Company was printed on the top of the poster in a design that integrates both Chinese and Western elements.(2)


  1. Gande, Price & Company – Virtual Shanghai
  2. Hong Kong Memory Project

This article was first posted on 18th July 2018.


  1. The Virtual Shanghai Project – Virtual Shanghai is a research and resource platform on the history of Shanghai from the mid-nineteenth century to nowadays. It incorporates various sets of documents: essays, original documents, photographs, maps, quantitative data, etc. The objective of the project is to write a history of the city through the combined mobilization of these various types of documents. The implementation of this approach relies on the use of digital and GIS technologies. On the research side, the platform offers various ways to step into the history of the city and follow its course at different levels over time. On the resource side, apart from providing original textual and visual documents, it develops a powerful cartographic tool for spatial analysis and real-time mapping. The authors of the present project suscribe to the idea of sharing scholarship and research tools for the benefit of scholars, students, and citizens at large.”
  2. The Hong Kong Memory Project Hong Kong Memory (HKM) is a multi-media web site that gives free and open access to digitized materials on Hong Kong’s history, culture and heritage.

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