Hong Kong Paint manufacturing companies – from the early 1930s

HF: There have been a number of paint companies manufacturing their products in Hong Kong. A very useful introduction to this industry can be found on the Hong Kong Memory website linked below. Most of the one line founding dates etc come from HKM.

Here are brief introductions to the companies I have come across.

YL York Lo

If you can provide any information about any of these companies – especially Train brand do get in touch.


YL: The Silver-Haired Midas: Kan Koam-Tsing, the Banker and Gold Dealer who backed South Sea Textile and Camelpaint

Chi Lee Paint Factory (see: Gilla Paint Works (致利製漆廠)

Between the end of WW2 and the 1950s other paint companies were established, including Chi Lee Paint Factory which was Chinese owned.

During the 1950s, the government planned to develop Kwun Tong as a new town. Reclaimed land was designated as industrial use. Six paint manufacturers were relocated to Kwun Tong, including…Chi Lee Paint. Each built its own factory on purchased land.

China Paint Manufacturing Company (1932) Ltd.

The China Paint Manufacturing Company (1932) Limited was registered and founded by Mr. Lam Kun in 1932 to produce and sell paints.

YL: Liang Meng-tsi (梁孟齊, 1902-1972) was an important figure in the history of the paint industry in Hong Kong. A US-trained chemist, Liang was a leading expert in paint technology in China and was involved in the founding of China Paint in 1932
Liang Meng-Tsi – HK Paint Industry Pioneer

According to the HK Memory Project the company remained in operation during the Japanese occupation of HK
See: HK Memory Project – Industry Focus: Paint

Paint, China Paint Manufacturing Company Ltd snipped image HK Memory

1948-1949 Courtesy: HK Memory Project

During the 1950s, the government planned to develop Kwun Tong as a new town. Reclaimed land was designated as industrial use. Six paint manufacturers were relocated to Kwun Tong, including China Paint… Each built its own factory on purchased land.

Thomas Ngan: The China Paint Manufacturing Company is currently located in Sai Kung (https://goo.gl/maps/yFBLZ).

Duro Paint Manufacturing Company Ltd

Duro Paint was established in 1937.

According to the HK Memory Project the company remained in operation during the Japanese occupation of HK
Duro Paint Manufacturing Company – initial notes
HK Memory Project – Industry Focus: Paint
Swire Duro Ltd – paint manufacturer

YL: Liang Meng-tsi (梁孟齊, 1902-1972) was an important figure in the history of the paint industry in Hong Kong. A US-trained chemist, Liang was a leading expert in paint technology in China and was involved in…  Duro Paint (with backing of the Lee Hysan family) in 1939…
Liang Meng-Tsi – HK Paint Industry Pioneer

Duro Paint Manu Co , Japs pass factory snipped gwulo

Japanese soldiers North Point 20th December 1941 Duro Paint Factory in background Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

Post WW2 Duro Paint and Oriental Paint from Shanghai were merged and the new Duro Paint company was managed by the Swire Group.

Duro Paint Manufacturing Co Ltd-manufacturer-advert-1953

1953 Trade Advert Courtesy: IDJ

See: HK Memory Project – Industry Focus: Paint

Gilla Paint Works (致利製漆廠) see: Chi Lee Paint Factory

YL: Liang Meng-tsi (梁孟齊, 1902-1972) was an important figure in the history of the paint industry in Hong Kong. A US-trained chemist, Liang was a leading expert in paint technology in China and was involved in the founding of…Gilla Paint Works (致利製漆廠), the HK Memory website inaccurately lists the English name of the firm as “Chi Lee Paint Factory”) in 1953 after Duro was acquired by Swire.
Liang Meng-Tsi – HK Paint Industry Pioneer

Hong Kong Paint Products Ltd

Between the end of WW2 and the 1950s other paint companies were established, including Hong Kong Paint Products Ltd which was Chinese owned.

During the 1950s, the government planned to develop Kwun Tong as a new town. Reclaimed land was designated as industrial use. Six paint manufacturers were relocated to Kwun Tong, including…Hong Kong Paint Products. Each built its own factory on purchased land.

YL Island Paint, Kin Kwok Lacquer and HK Paint Products – the three Forgotten Players of the HK Paint Industry

Hong Kong Paint Products plant Courtesy: York Lo

Hong Kong Paint Products Plant, York Lo

Island Paint Company Ltd

Established in 1939.

Island Paint apparently bought land in Causeway Bay in early 1950s and built its plant there.

YL Island Paint, Kin Kwok Lacquer and HK Paint Products – the three Forgotten Players of the HK Paint Industry
HK Memory Project – Industry Focus: Paint

Island Paint , New Paint Products In 1959, Source Wah Kiu Yat Pi, 1959 12 5 York Lo

Island Paint, New Paint Products in 1959, Source Wah Kiu Yat Pi, 1959-12-5 Courtesy: York Lo

Kin Kwok Lacquer Manufacturing Company Ltd

In 1946, Kin Kwok Lacquer Manufacturing Company Limited became the fifth paint manufacturer.

During the 1950s, the government planned to develop Kwun Tong as a new town. Reclaimed land was designated as industrial use. Six paint manufacturers were relocated to Kwun Tong, including…Kin Kwok Lacquer…Each built its own factory on purchased land.


YL Island Paint, Kin Kwok Lacquer and HK Paint Products – the three Forgotten Players of the HK Paint Industry
HK Memory Project – Industry Focus: Paint

Kin Kwok Lacquer Plant In 1947 Source HK Memory

Kin Kwok Lacquer Plant In 1947 Source HK Memory

Majestic Paint Manufacturing Company

Between the end of WW2 and the 1950s other paint companies were established, including the wonderfully named Majestic Paint Manufacturing Company which was Chinese owned.

Nam Va Lacquer & Paint Products Company Ltd

During the 1950s, the government planned to develop Kwun Tong as a new town. Reclaimed land was designated as industrial use. Six paint manufacturers were relocated to Kwun Tong, including…Nam Va Lacquer & Paint Products Company Limited. Each built its own factory on purchased land.

National Lacquer and Paints Products Company Ltd

According to the HK Memory Project the company remained in operation during the Japanese occupation of HK


  1. National Lacquer and Paints Products Co. Ltd
  2. Harry J Lowe, aka Huang Yang Yin 黃仰賢, co-founder of The National Lacquer and Paint Products Co Ltd
  3. Alfonso J. Ben, aka Yan Ben-Kwan 甄秉鈞, co-founder of The National Lacquer and Paint Products Co Ltd
  4. NLPPC/Camelpaint Timeline – company website
  5. HK Memory Project – Industry Focus: Paint

National Lacquer and Paint Products 1941 advert HK Memory Project

Swire Duro Ltd

See: Swire Duro Ltd – paint manufacturer

Train Brand

IDJ says there is a suggestion that Train Paints had a Hong Kong connection. A quick search comes up with nothing about either the company or any connection to HK

Can anyone provide information about the company that made Train brand paints?

Train-Brand-paint tin-Claimed to be of Hong Kong origin IDJ advert

Courtesy: IDJ

Tsing Yi Paint Factory

Was this actually a Paint Factory? And if so what was the company?

Billy Clarke wrote in May 2015 asking if we had any further information about the building shown below. The answer was no. He added in October 2015, that he had found nothing more about it but that he would be making a video of the structures in the near future.

See: HK Urbex Tsing Yi Paint Factory

Tsing Yi Paint Factory HK Urbex

Wan Guo Paint Factory

Between the end of WW2 and the 1950s other paint companies were established, including Wan Guo Paint Factory which was Chinese owned.

This article was first posted on 29th May 2015.


  1. Hong Kong Memory Project – Industry Focus: Paint


  • Thomas Ngan

    Hi there,

    The China Paint Manufacturing Company is currently located in Sai Kung (https://goo.gl/maps/yFBLZ).

    There are a block of builds in Hoi Yuen Road called Camel Paint Building Block 1 through 3, and another one called Camel Paint Centre. (https://goo.gl/maps/aZVrR). I guess this block would have something to do with another company.

    Thanks & Best Regards,

    • Many thanks Thomas for this information. I have inserted your comment about the current location of China Paint into the article. If you find anything else out about the Camel Paint Building Blocks do let us know.

      Hugh Farmer

  • Thomas Ngan

    Hi there,

    This might be off topic. But anyway,tThe site where National Lacquer and Paints Products Company Ltd used to be bad just been demolished. There used to be a small alley called Nation Street (https://goo.gl/maps/15zt6), sort of what’s left of the National Lacquer and Paints Products Company. After the site is redevelopment, this street might be gone..

    Thanks & Best Regards,

  • Anne

    Im very much interested to see in real thus place bit scary but nice …

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