The Hongkong Telephone Company, 1925 to 1933, Far Eastern Review article

Hongkong Telephone Company New Version Kowloon Exchange Building Peter Crush

Peter Crush has kindly sent the following article about the Hongkong Telephone Company which was first published in the Far Eastern Review of September 1933. Many thanks to SCT for proofreading the retyped article shown below. And thanks to Peter for improving the clarity of the first two images below. Please note the  images do not appear in the same […]

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Wah Mei Electric (華美電器行) – Leading Distributor of Electronics from the 1920s to 1960s and related firms  

Wah Mei Electric Detail Image 1 York Lo

York Lo: Wah Mei Electric – Leading Distributor of Electronics from the 1920s to 1960s and related firms Left: Wah Mei ad in 1927 (8th Far East Games brochure); Right: the old Wah Mei store in between Sunlight Hing Kee and Kin Ming Radio on Des Voeux Road Central Wah Mei Electric was one of the oldest and largest distributor […]

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Asia International Electronics Ltd (亞洲無線電工廠)

Asia International Electronics Detail Image 6 York Lo

York Lo: Asia International Electronics Ltd (亞洲無線電工廠) Asia International Electronics booth at the 1971 HK Products Expo (HK Memory) In the 1970s, Asia International Electronics Ltd (hereafter refer to as “AIE”) was one of the leading Chinese owned electronics firms in HK, being one of two Chinese-owned firms (the other being Atlas) amongst the top 10 radio manufacturers in HK […]

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Telegraph Bay, HK Island – location of the first submarine telegraphic cable into Hong Kong, 1871

HF: “Telegraph Bay was the site of an early cable landing dating from the early part of the Twentieth Century. The environment of the bay and valley has been radically altered through reclamation and the construction of the Cyberport development. The old cable house is still located in its original position (although it is now located within the grounds of a school). […]

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