Hok Un Power Station, post World War Two images
Graham Wood has sent the following photographs of Hong Kong and especially of Hok Un Power Station shortly after the liberation of Hong Kong from Japanese occupation in 1945.
During World War Two Graham’s father, Andrew Wood was attached to Tiger force and sent out to the Pacific with an expectation to create airfield facilities on Okinawa. He was diverted to Hong Kong after the fall of Japan. With his experience of steam machinery and power generation he was assigned to the team restoring Hok Un power station (RAF No.53 RU(P) repair group).
Graham notes: My father [who can be seen in some of the photos] sent some contact prints back home to the family with notes on the back. I have some of these and have transcribed the notes below.
Graham has kindly improved the clarity of the original images. Some of these may be seen in our previously posted article, CLP’s Hok Un Power Station – immediately post World War Two, linked below.
HF: I have added the captions to the images where they were available from Graham. And numbered the images to make them easier to identify should anyone want to send in further information about a particular one.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3 This is a complete turbine in front of us and one behind us. Together this makes enough electricity to heat 10,000 pressing irons.

Image 4

Image 5 International combustion water tube boiler. 10? from basement to fan floor, grate area 756 sq ft Normal evaporation 160,000 lb/hr Max continuous 200,0000 lb/hr final S.T 700 deg f taken 16th jan 1946 Linkie, Smith, ?????

Image 6 taken 16th Jan 1946 This is the power station taken from the hill behind. The block at the bottom in the centre is our billet.

Image 7

Image 9 This is one of the turbines with the top off being repaired by the RAF.

Image 10

Image 12 This is the control room where all the switches and meters are.
This article was first posted on 4th February 2021.
Related Indhhk articles:
- CLP’s Hok Un Power Station – immediately post World War Two
- CLP – Hok Un (Yuen) Power Station 1921-1991 – updated
- Preece, Cardew and Rider – Consulting Engineers for Hok Un power station
- CLP’s Hok Un Power Station during the Japanese occupation
- CLP- Lawrence Kadoorie speech 1977 – HK + Hok Un Power Station during WW2
- John M. Henderson, Engineering Company, Aberdeen, Scotland…link to Hok Un power station, Hong Kong