The Electronics Industry of Hong Kong: an analysis of its growth 1959-1969

Edward Chen Kwan-yiu wrote the thesis: The Electronics Industry of Hong Kong: an analysis of its growth for his Master of Social Sciences Degree, University of Hong Kong, 1971. The thesis, linked below, comes from the HKU Scholars Hub: The University of Hong Kong Thanks to York Lo for sending this in-depth study. He says, “this is an excellent HKU […]

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Industrial Developments in Hong Kong: some personal observations by Dan Waters

Dan Waters: In January 1955, not long after I had arrived in Hong Kong, and when I was a lecturer at the Technical College (since upgraded to the Polytechnic University) in Wood Road, Wanchai, I visited a number of our building students who had been attached for six weeks to building sites. I was accompanied by a Chinese colleague who became […]

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Leung Man Kwong (梁文廣) – clearance of HK harbour post WW2 and founder of Universal Dockyards

Stephen Davies: The founder of Universal Dockyards (now within the UDL Group) was Mr Leung Man Kwong (梁文廣, b. unknown-d.1966), who I’ve been trying to track down for ages and have at last managed to via this website. Mr Leung was the boss of 80 divers, shipwrights, blacksmiths and other salvage workers, who were on hand in late 1945/early 1946 (they’d […]

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Tramway Service during the Japanese occupation, WW2

Elizabeth Ride has sent the following summation of BAAG reports about Tramway services from 1942 through to September 1944. John Smith kindly typed out the original report. The HONGKONG tramway, which was extensively damaged at certain points during hostilities, was partially restored on 27 January 1942 and a full service along the entire route was resumed on 20 March 1942. Up to December […]

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Systematic problems facing attempts to preserve Hong Kong’s heritage, SCMP article

HF: The SCMP published an article on 17th May 2015, Systematic problems facing attempts to preserve Hong Kong’s heritage. The article begins, “In fast-paced metropolitan Hong Kong, it is easy to forget the past, but a recent slew of underground and underwater discoveries have reminded people that their city has a long history. A stone tablet on the island of […]

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Luen Tai Industrial Building, Kwai Chung – HK Government Scheme to revitalise such buildings

HF: The SCMP on 4th December 2013 published an article about the HK government scheme to revitalise old industrial buildings by focusing on the Luen Tai Industrial building at 72 Kwai Chong Road, Kwai Chung. “The Hong Kong government’s scheme to revitalise old industrial buildings has encouraged developer Sun Hung Kai Properties to invest in turning a 40-year-old industrial building into […]

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Tsang Koon-man (曾貫萬, 1808-1894) – Sam Lee Quarry, Shaukiwan, early 1840s

HF: “Tsang Tai Uk (曾大屋, literally the Big Mansion of the Tsang Family) is also called Shan Ha Wai (山廈圍, literally, Walled Village at the Foothill). Its construction was started in 1847 and completed in 1867. Measuring 45 metres by 137 metres, it was built by Tsang Koon-man (曾貫萬, 1808-1894), nicknamed Tsang Sam-li (曾三利), who was a Hakka (客家) originated […]

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Sam Lee Shop selling quarry stone, Shaukiwan, 1840s

HF: This Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) Appraisal mentions that Tsang Koon-man (曾貫萬, 1808-1894), nicknamed Tsang Sam-li (曾三利) came to Hong Kong and “set up his quarry business in Shaukiwan having his shop called Sam Lee Quarry (三利石行)”. Does this mean the quarry was called Sam Lee? The shop [?] was called Sam Lee, and what did it sell? Or both? Or […]

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