Town Gas gasometer, Aberdeen – made and erected in 1981 through the collaboration of HUD and S Cutler & Sons, Telford, UK

IMG 4892

Stephen Davies: An interesting question to which I don’t know the answer, is what the provenance is of the gasometer that still stands (and I believe is in use for stand-by storage) back from the Tin Wan Praya waterfront just outside the Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter West entrance (on the north shore). I’m fairly sure it’s been there as long as I […]

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Dr H P Wu – Managing Director / President – South China Iron Works

York Lo: H P Wu’s full name was Hsin Ping Wu (吳新炳). Born in 1894 and native of Kiangyin in Kiangsu province, he went to Tsinghua and studied in the US as a Boxer Indemnity Scholar, receiving his BS in electrical engineering from Cornell in 1921 and training at General Electric in the US. From 1927 to 1937, he was […]

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Blood Protection Co (保血有限公司) and Fish brand mosquito incense

Blood Protection + Fish Brand Mosquito Incense Detail Image 2 York Lo

York LO: Blood Protection Co (保血有限公司) and Fish brand mosquito incense Left: old package of Blood Protection Co’s Fish mosquito destroyer featuring the portrait of its founder H.L. Sum (right) and his brother/son. Right: Blood Protection Co’s ad from the early 1960s – the tagline reads what’s the point of having money when you cannot protect your blood. The warm […]

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Yankee Needle: American Merchants and the development of the Swatow lace industry in China and the garment industry in HK

Swatow American Merchants Image 1b Detail York Lo

York Lo: Yankee Needle: American Merchants and the development of the Swatow lace industry in China and the garment industry in HK Left: Swatow women working on needlework at Lida Ashmore’s school (Lida Ashmore’s The South China Mission of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, p.94) Right: Lida Ashmore (sitting, second from the right) with her colleagues laying the foundation […]

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Leader of the Battery Pack: Hing Wah and Five Rams Batteries

Hing Wah Anf Five Rams Batteries Image 6 York Lo

York Lo: Leader of the Battery Pack: Hing Wah and Five Rams Batteries Left: Five Rams batteries ad in 1955 (Source: IDJ); Right: Hing Wah’s HK plant in the 1950s (Source: HK Memory) Founded in Canton and expanded to Hong Kong in 1938, Hing Wah Battery Factory (興華電池廠) was one of the oldest and largest players in the batteries industry in […]

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The Kings of Industries – the family behind Wearbest Garment in HK and Wha Mei Tobacco in old Shanghai

Wearbest Garment Image 7 York Lo

York Lo: The Kings of Industries – the family behind Wearbest Garment in HK and Wha Mei Tobacco in old Shanghai    As profiled in many other articles in this group, Shanghainese industrialists played a crucial role in the post-WWII industrialization in HK in fields ranging from textile, plastic, enamelware, construction and many others. In the field of garments, Sieh-Ting King […]

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The Needle, the Bible and “Our People”: Chiuchow Christians and the Swatow Lace Industry in Hong Kong

Swatow Lace Industry Detail Image 5 York Lo

York Lo: The Needle, the Bible and “Our People”: Chiuchow Christians and the Swatow Lace Industry in Hong Kong    Swatow lace merchants on the board of HK Chiuchow Christian Association in 1936 – back row: Yadsun Cheng (Chin Chian & Sons; first from left), Ng Chung-wing (吳寵榮,Kowloon Lace; third from right); Henry Lin (HK & Shanghai Lace; second from […]

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Sir Patrick Manson (1844-1922), The Dairy Farm Company

Sir Patrick Manson Full Image London School Of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

HF: Patrick Manson was instrumental in the founding of The Dairy Farm Company in Hong Kong. I am going to post an article specifically about the man and Dairy Farm shortly. Sir Patrick Manson was born in 1844 and studied medicine at Aberdeen University, passing M.B. and C.M. in 1865. In 1866 he became medical officer of Formosa for the […]

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Shanghainese Builders in HK (Part Six) – Ahong and Chinney

Shanghainese Builders 6 York Lo Detail James Wong Centre Of Ahong Signing The Shun Hing Group As An Electrical Subcontractor For The Gloucester Tower Project

York Lo: Shanghainese Builders in HK (Part Six) – Ahong and Chinney Ahong and Chinney are two Shanghainese builders in Hong Kong who trace their roots back to pre-War Shanghai and are controlled by two families which share the same last name – Wong.  Ahong followed the interesting path of moving first from Shanghai to British Malaya in the 1930s […]

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Caldbeck, MacGregor & Company Ltd – HK branch opened in 1889

Caldbeck, MacGregor Wine Merchants China Mail 4.10.1891

“The firm of Messrs. Caldbeck, Macgregor & Co., established in 1864, is the largest and best known in the wine and spirit trade in the East. The headquarters are in Rangoon Street, Crutched Friars, London, and there are branches in Glasgow, Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore, and Tientsin; whilst agencies have been established at Port Arthur, Chefoo, Weihaiwei, Kiaochau, Hankow, Foochow, Taiwan, […]

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