Amoy Canning – a brief history since 1908

“C” says: The Chinese name of the company has always been 淘化大同, not 淘化大隆. Nowadays it is often abbreviated as 淘大. Hugh Farmer: The origins of this well known Hong Kong company are somewhat confusing, at least for someone unable to read Chinese, in that they involve a variety of English translations and merges between these companies. I have tried to […]

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Ma On Shan Iron Mine – HK Naturalist 1931

Hugh Farmer: It is worth looking at the Hong Kong Naturalist – “a quarterly illustrated journal principally for Hong Kong and South China” which was published from Jan 1930 until Feb 1941. The  journal contain articles on a variety of subjects of interest to us including, tea production, oysters, Kowloon waterworks, agriculture in the New Territory [sic] and a couple of mountains […]

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South China Bricks and Tiles Manufacturing Company – reopening of plant at San Hui, Castle Peak, New Territories

IDJ has sent the following article about the reopening of the South China Bricks and Tiles Manufacturing Company which had taken over the entire plant and properties of the South China Brickworks Ltd situated at San Hui, Castle Peak, New Territories, Hong Kong. HF: If you are interested in this subject you might like to read our previously posted article, […]

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Eastern Extension Telegraph Company – linking HK to the world

HF: The article containing the report, The Causes and Effects of the Present Trade Depression in HK 1935 mentions The Eastern Extension Telegraph Company Ltd and its manager, a Mr Carter. Curious about the history of submarine communication cables linking Hong Kong and the rest of the world I discovered  an absorbing website run by Bill Burns. This goes under […]

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Lawrence Kadoorie, connected to CLP, Peak Tramways, HK Engineering & Construction, HK Brewers & Distillers, Kowloon Docks…

Lawrence Kadoorie HK Sunday Herald 15th Sept 1935 From IDJ

IDJ has sent the following newspaper article which was published in the Hong Kong Sunday Herald in a 1930s long series entitled Hong Kong Personalities. HF: As you will read Lawrence Kadoorie was connected to a very large number of Hong Kong companies, including China Light and Power, Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels Ltd, Peak Tramways, the Hong Kong Engineering […]

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GuGuSoy factory and restaurant, Ho Sheung Heung village, Sheung Shui

HF: The GuGuSoy factory and restaurant is located in Ho Sheung Heung village, just west of Long Valley which itself is west of Sheung Shui. It opened in 2005. By sheer concidence I was walking in that area on the 9th September 2014, when I came across both the restaurant and an SCMP article about it published on that day. […]

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