S. H. Dodwell, Managing Director of Dodwell and Company Ltd

IDJ has sent the following newspaper article about S.H. Dodwell who was a prominent businessman in Hong Kong before World War Two. As you will see he was chairman of several Hong Kong companies, including Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Dairy Farm, the Ice and Cold Storage Company and Hong Kong Brewers and Distillers, Managing Director of Dodwell and Co., Ltd, as well as a Director of several other Hong Kong companies.

HF: I have retyped the original article to aid clarity and searches.

Thanks to SCT for proofreading the retyped version of the original article.

Hong Kong Personalities

Dodwell S.H. Drawing From HK Sunday Herald 1st Dec 1935 From IDJ







Mr. S.H.Dodwell

This is the seventieth of the exclusive series of sketches of leading Colony residents by Mr. A.S. Konya, the talented Hungarian artist.

Our Personality this week is Mr. Stanley Hudson Dodwell, Managing Director of the firm of Dodwell and Co., Ltd.

Born at Oxford on May 27, 1878, Mr. Dodwell received his education partly in his native town and subsequently in France and Germany. In 1897 he joined the firm of Dodwell, Carlill and Co., London, which afterwards became Dodwell and Co., Ltd. Mr. Dodwell first came to Hong Kong in 1912, remaining here for some eight years. In 1920 he returned to London and was shortly afterwards appointed Managing Director of the firm.

Between 1920 and 1932 he made three trips to the Far East and round the world, inspecting the firm’s branches in Ceylon, China, Japan, the Pacific coast of America and New York. Then, owing to the death in 1934 of the firm’s manager in Hong Kong, Mr. J.P. Warren, he decided to stay in the Colony for a few years.

During his first spell in Hong Kong Mr. Dodwell was for two years a member of the Legislative Council and for one year Chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.

At the present moment he is Chairman of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Corporation, the Union Insurance Society of Canton, the Dairy Farm, Ice and Cold Storage Co., and the Hong Kong Brewers and Distillers, and a Director of several other local companies; also Vice-Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce.

In the field of sport Mr. Dodwell was at one time a keen cricketer, but afterwards gave it up, finding it rather too strenuous a game for him in a tropical climate, and has since devoted himself to golf as his principal recreation. He was one of the pioneers of the Fanling course of the Royal Hong Kong Golf Club. He has the unique distinction of having been three times captain of the Club. He has also three times been runner-up in the championship but never succeeded in winning it. He was also a fairly useful tennis player and recalls that he and Nesbitt were the first British pair to succumb to the local Chinese pair, Ng Sze-kwong and his partner, in 1918.

Source: The Hong Kong Sunday Herald 1st December 1935

This article was first posted on 29th October 2021.

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