Q+A 42 Dairy Farm Cold Storage Depot – East Point – further information needed
Dairy Farm is a well known Hong Kong company with a history stretching back to 1886 when it was incorporated in Hong Kong by Scottish surgeon Sir Patrick Manson.
Its East Point Depot opened as a new ice factory in 1924 according to a company website timeline. However I can find very little information about this particular depot nor find an image of it.
It would be of interest to learn more about the Depot’s history and to see an image or two of the plant.
This report has been extracted from BAAG report WIS#24 of March 1943.
In the past whenever a convoy was to leave, the colony was blacked out and loading done under cover of darkness. The last convoy of ships together with its escort of 3 or 4 destroyers has already gone. On 8 Mar 43 there were three destroyers in port, with seven cargo ships and two tankers in the harbour.
The Dairy Farm Cold Storage at East Point is used by the Japs, for storage of fish nd other food supplies for the provisioning of submarines &c at night
Related Indhhk articles:
- Dairy Farm Company
- Dairy Farm Company – a timeline
- Dairy Farm Company – Post WW1, the Japanese occupation and immediately post WW2
- Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold Storage Company The – employees
- Dairy Farm, Ice & Cold Storage Company, The, HKBRAS article
- Dairy Farm, Pokfulam
- Dairy Farm, Pok Fu Lam – Ming Pao article, effort to preserve what remains…
- Dairy Farm, Pok Fu Lam, museum – SCMP article
- Dairy Farm, Pokfulam village – close links to DF 1886, SCMP article