SS Tien Loong – a Chinese first but Harland and Wolff, Belfast built

Nick Cranfield, in Shanghai, has been researching the history of the SS Tien Loong. And discovered: The SS Invergoil was built by Harland and Wolff at Belfast in 1922 and launched on 21st September 1922. It was delivered to the British Mexican Petroleum Company on 9th November 1922. But subsequently sold to Moller & Co of Shanghai in 1936 and […]

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V C Labrum, Proprietor of Ye Olde Printerie, founded in 1923

V C Labrum

IDJ has sent the following newspaper article… HF: I have retyped the original article to aid clarity and searches. I would welcome any information about (or images of) Ye Olde Printerie. Thanks to SCT for proofreading the retyped version. Hong Kong Personalities MR. V.C.LABRUM This is the ninety-second of the exclusive series of sketches of leading Colony residents by Mr. […]

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RAF – post WW2 involvement in restoring Kowloon to some order, plus the KCR and work on the proposed Ping Shan airfield

Graham Wood has kindly sent the following newspaper article. HF: I have retyped the article… The Wing, which comprised 90 per cent of “Shield” Force, was at sea bound for Okinawa and ultimately the Japanese mainland, with airfield construction as its primary objective on the invasion route to Tokyo, when news was suddenly received of the Japanese surrender. At the […]

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Pokfulam village – close links to Dairy Farm 1886, SCMP article

HF: Pokfulam village, sometimes though wrongly, described as Hong Kong Island’s last village, had very close links to the nearby Dairy Farm. The SCMP of 28th September 2012 published an article about the 150-year-old village in which it is described as “a heritage treasure trove”. The SCMP, “The village grew and became a hub for what was then a rural […]

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The Green Island Cement Company – “A happy example of Anglo Chinese cooperation”

Aerial View Of Green Island Cement Company 1969

IDJ has kindly sent the following newspaper article. HF: I have retyped the original article to aid clarity and website searches. Thanks to SCT for proofreading the retyped version of the original article. A HAPPY EXAMPLE OF ANGLO CHINESE CO-OPERATION In this Empire Supplement, designed primarily to bring to the notice of British people in Hong Kong the campaign to […]

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Messageries Maritimes shipping line conference at the HK Maritime Museum on 7th December 2022

Messageries Maritimes Liner Pathos In Hong Kong Harbour Circa 1930 Private Collection Francois Dremeaux

HF: Lise Maillard-Salin, Attachée at the Consulate Général of France in Hong Kong and Macau, has sent the following email: I noticed you published an article on the Messageries Maritimes last August based on the work of the French Historian François Drémeaux [The article is linked below] I would like to inform you that he will be giving a conference […]

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