Can you lend a hand to help the Group…writing a short article, translating, retyping, improving an image…?
Our Group started in November 2012 with the website following in October 2013. We currently have over 1,500 articles posted all of which are shown in the Index.
Contributions have come from an estimated 450 people ranging from a single line comment to a full length article. Plus those who help the group in other ways as shown in the list below.
Could you spend an hour or two a month to help this valuable resource grow…?
If you would like to contribute in some way please get in touch with me, Hugh Farmer, indhhk (at) gmail [dot] com
There are a number of ways in which you might like to contribute to the group:
- Write an article on an existing or new subject. This can be sent in as a word-type document (with an image or two if possible) to the email address above. If you’re worried that English is not your first language we will edit what you write.
- Write an article as one of our site authors. If you would like to become a regular contributor go to Direct Submissions on our Home Page. Once you have registered you will be able to post articles yourself without having to go through the Editor – a great help.
- Add a comment at the bottom of an article. Many of our regular contributors started with this simple action…
- Add a comment to one of our intriguing Queries and Answers. Can anyone tell us more about Bireley’s bottling plant in Mak Cheong Street?
32 Bireley’s Bottling Plant – 1950s Mok Cheong Street, Mau Tau Wai - Translate We now have three people who have offered to translate Chinese, one Japanese translator, one Portuguese (the Macau connection), and one French. Would you be able help with the occasional, brief translation? Chinese naturally, Japanese, but also French, German, Spanish, Russian, Hindi, Italian, or…?
Marie Helene Arnauld watched this French film and summarized the contents for us in English: Construction and Opening of Shek Pik Reservoir, rare French film 1962
Mak Ho Yin has kindly been translating Chinese for the Group for three years. Here’s an extract from his last contribution about a concrete works in To Kwa Wan which aided Japanese plans to expand Kai Tak Airport during WW2:-1. Tool room
2. Explosives magazine
3. Workmen dormitory
4. Indian guards dormitory…And Jennifer Wong has recently translated the signs shown on photos at the site of what was the factory of the Ping Shan Enterprise Company. Jennifer has been helping for about two years. - Re-type documents Printed documents can sometimes be difficult to read. And the typed version is “searchable”, the printed version not. We currently have four people who occasionally help re-type a couple of paragraphs. Why not join them?
Mark Regan battled successfully with the last paragraph in a 1905 article about the Silver Mine at Mui Wo: ORE ON THE MAINLAND It is further reported that excellent magnetic iron ore has been discovered in the Western part of the New Territory, in the neighbourhood of Thirty Fathoms Cove. A number of Europeans have been engaged in examining the lode etc. and their report seems most encouraging.Here’s one John Smith re-typed: WIS 25.4.43 China Light & Power Co: The New Generating Station was put out of Order on the fall of Kowloon. All the governors and (illegible) were dismantled from the machinery in the old station, and it was…
- Take photographs of existing, though maybe not functioning, Hong Kong industrial sites. This is one I took of the defunct Wo Fat Hing Distillery. How long will this building remain standing?
- Improve photographs We sometimes have images which are not of a high quality. Can you help improve the originals before they are posted?
Many thanks to IDJ for working on this image of squatter factories.
- Find photographs which can be added to posted articles. For example we need an image of this ship – BAAG records of shipping in HK during 1944-45 – the Shoneito Maru
- Help with Admin Tasks Diana Cox has volunteered to update the index every week which takes about half an hour.
Could you help editing the Newsletter sent out every two months, again no more than a couple of hours work… - Or in some other way which would help the Group and website to develop…
Hi I can help with the Chinese to English Translation