56 Dairy Farm Company – do the small concrete dams built in the 1930s still exist?
Our recently posted article Dairy Farm Company employees – a compilation, features Peter C. Jackson. His son Nick Jackson contributed information about his father and several images.
This includes the following, “Have the dams in the hills survived? At some stage my father – who had started in about 1933 – had arranged for simple small concrete dams to be built in gullies in the hills to capture rain water – presumably to serve as a source of water for grazing cattle? I know he would sometimes picnic up there with friends & colleagues.
Might these pools still exist or is the concrete long-perished?”
Can anyone provide information (and/or an image) about these dams and evidence that they might still exist?
If so, please send it into the website.

The Dairy Farm, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, Date unknown, Source: Historical Photographs of China, Ref. Number: RD-s045
This article was first posted on 5th May 2022.
Related Indhhk articles:
- The Dairy Farm Ice and Cold Storage Company, HKBRAS article
- Dairy Farm Company
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- Dairy Farm Company – Post WW1, the Japanese occupation and immediately post WW2
- Dairy Farm, Pokfulam
- Dairy Farm, Pok Fu Lam – Ming Pao article, effort to preserve what remains…
- Dairy Farm, Pok Fu Lam, museum – SCMP article
- Dairy Farm, Pokfulam village – close links to DF 1886, SCMP article
- Dairy Farm Company employees – a compilation
Question: The buildings just down from the center of the image – what are they?
Are they the Old cowsheds of the dairy farm?
Mount Steinhouse from Lamma Island looks clear, in the background. I believe it possible to approx locate the position of that hill from the photos.
What do the dams look like?