The Central Mid-level Escalator

HF: Central Mid-level Escalator is the world’s longest outdoor covered escalator system, opened in 1993. It runs for over 800m and rises over 135m in elevation, from Queen’s Road Central up to Conduit Road. It was built to ease traffic congestion in the residential Mid-levels district, and comprises of 20 escalators and three inclined moving walkways.  The system runs downhill from 6am to 1oam to cater to commuters, and uphill from 10.30am to midnight. It is not only residents who utilize it – it has become a popular tourist attraction as it takes visitors through a historical district and up to the Soho dining and nightlife hub.(1)

Central Mid Level Escalator Source Landmark

Source: Landmark Date: Unknown

The Central Mid-Levels escalator and walkway system in Hong Kong is the longest outdoor covered escalator system in the world. The system covers over 800m (2,600ft) in distance and traverses an elevation of over 135m (443ft) from bottom to top. It opened in 1993 to provide an improved link between Central and Mid-Levels on Hong Kong Island.

The escalators at the top of the escalators system between Robinson Road and Conduit Road have been replaced, and went operational on 11th July 2018. In early 2019, three refurbished escalators between Mosque Street and Robinson Road went operational. In June 2019, two replaced escalators between Caine Road and Elgin Street opened to the public. The escalator between Gage Street and Wellington Street is currently under refurbishment.

The project was first publicly mooted in the early 1980s. The government found that much of the east-west traffic in the area arose from north-south demand, as the steep topography did not allow for major roads to be built straight up the hill. There was talk of linking Central and Mid-Levels with escalators, a monorail or a cable car system.

In late 1982, private consultants Peter Y.S. Pun and Associates and MVA Asia we  commissioned to investigate traffic improvement measures in Central. In their report entitled A Study of the Transport Requirements of the Mid-Levels and Central District, the consultant recommended, among other things, to build an ”escalator assisted pedestrian route” linking Mid-Levels to the existing Central Elevated walkway system and a new bus terminal that they proposed should be built on the site of the Central Market. This proposal was well received by the Mid-Levels residents.(2)

Central Mid Levels Escalators Under Construction In The Early 1990s

Central Mid- Levels escalators under construction in the early 1990s Source: Wikipedia


  2. Wikipedia

This article was first posted on 23rd July 2024.

Related Indhhk articles:

  1. Peak Tram to Queen’s Road escalator proposal, newspaper article 1934

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