The Garden Company Ltd (嘉頓有限公司) founded in 1926

HF: The Garden Company Limited (嘉頓有限公司) is a bakery and confectionery manufacturer in Hong Kong. The company was founded in 1926 by cousins Tse Fong Cheung and Wah O Wong in Kowloon with a single bakery. The name “Garden” was established when the cousins passed their time during night breaks in the Hong Kong Botanical Garden in Central, where they discussed their plan to open a bakery […]

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On the slow boat – Sai Wan Ho, Kwun Tong, Sam Ka Tsuen ferries – part two..

HF: I finished my first ferry crossing on the Sea Coral 8 at Kwun Tong Pier coming over in about twenty minutes from Sai Wan Ho Pier with Captain Freddy Chiu in charge of the vessel and its dozen or so passengers. All photos are mine taken on the 25th September 2014. I used a camera, remember them? So they […]

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Demise of the 79 year old neon lights of Tai Tung Bakery, Yuen Long, Hong Kong

Tai Tung Bakery's Neon Sign SCMP

“Established since 1943, Tai Tung Bakery is one of the oldest bakeries in Hong Kong and offers traditional-style Chinese pastries that range from bread to cakes and biscuits, to seasonal delicacies such as mooncakes and Chinese new year sweets and delights.”(1) “Another piece of Hong Kong’s heritage will go when the bright lights of the Tai Tung Bakery in Yuen […]

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Hongkong Land Ltd: The Growth of a Giant

Hongkong Land 1898 1906 The First Buildings

Paul Mark Onslow kindly sent me a manuscript of The Hongkong Land Company’s 90th Anniversary 1889-1979. This contains information about a number of Hong Kong companies. Here I am incorporating the main article about Hongkong Land subtitled The Growth of a Giant written by Nigel Cameron. HF: I have retyped the article to increase legibility and aid searches on the […]

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Alexander Skirving Watson, pharmacist who lent his name to one of Hong Kong’s oldest companies

A S Watson Chemist Detail Advert China Mail 1.8.1878

The Hong Kong Dispensary was founded in Hong Kong in 1841. Alexander Skirving Watson, a British pharmacist, joined the company as Manager in 1858, and by 1862 the name A.S. Watson began to feature prominently with the Hong Kong Dispensary and eventually became the official name of the pharmacy and was then incorporated in the A.S.Watson Group. The Hong Kong […]

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Salt production, oldest industry in Hong Kong, Tai O

Hugh Farmer: This Enviromental Impact Assessment Report by the Civil Engineering Department in May 2000 provides some detail about salt production in Tai O on Lantau island. IDJ has provided the images showing the salt fields and workers of Tai O which do not come from the report. Jennifer Wong has kindly translated the script attached to the photographs. As the […]

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Hong Kong trading agents 1953 – nearly 60 companies

IDJ has sent the following trade adverts from 1953 for Hong Kong importers and exporters/buying and selling agents. Included are also companies who are advertising their own products. As information comes in each will be given their own article. Any related Inddhk articles are linked under the company name. Allied Trading Company Incorporated 30th June 1953 Dissolved 5th December 1958 […]

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Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd, a brief history

William Jardine And James Matheson Courtesy Wikiwand

Paul Mark Onslow kindly sent me a manuscript of The Hongkong Land Company’s 90th Anniversary 1889-1979 which I intend to post on the website shortly. The manuscript contains a section entitled Jardine, Matheson & Co., Ltd, Part of Asia’s History featured in this article. HF: I have retyped the article to increase legibility and aid searches on the site. Please […]

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