Mining and Water Supply, Government paying more attention to both in Hong Kong, newspaper article 1948

IDJ has sent this article published in June 1948.

HF: I have retyped it to increase its legibility and to aid site searches.

Thanks to SCT for proofreading the retyped version.

Government Paying More Attention To Colomy's Mining HK Sunday Herald 27th June 1948 From IDJ

Government is devoting more attention to mining in the Colony and an attempt is being made to ascertain the potential resources of our mines.

This statement was made by Dr. F Dixey, O.B.E., D.S.C., F.G.S., Geological Advisor to the Colonial Officer, at a Press conference yesterday. Dr. Dixey is passing through on his way to Fiji.

Dr. Dixey told Pressmen that during his short stay in the Colony he had, with the assistance of Dr. Davis, gained much valuable information regarding our geological, mining and water supply conditions.

He referred to the valuable work done by the geological staff of the University of British Columbia. Some of that work had been lost during the war but some of it was still available.

Hong Kong has tin, wolfram, silver, lead and iron mines that have been worked for many years, but all along no attempt had been made to have a systematic examination of these mines and their potential resources. Such examination is necessary, said Dr. Dixey, and the matter is now under active consideration by Government.

There was also the question of control of mining, and this is embodied in regulations governing the issue of new prospecting licences.

Dr. Dixey could express no opinion on the estimated mineral resources of the Colony, or which of the ores were most important and in greatest quantity.

Quite Capable

Speaking of the Colony’s water supply Dr. Dixey said we had already experienced and efficient engineers who were quite capable of handling the situation.

He said he had interested himself in the land supply of water, of which we must make use to the fullest extent. On the mainland he could see that we could get small supplies, if needed, for rural use. In the case of small townships and villages pipe water could be run from streams. Running water through pipe lines on an extensive scale  was, however, not practicable. Alternatively wells could be dug or bored.

Referring to the water supply for the island Dr. Dixey said he had been shown the scheme for the Tai Lam Chung Reservoir, which would hold twice the amount of water of the present Jubilee Reservoir. He knew the scheme was under active consideration by Government but could not reveal the stage of progress. In any case it would take at least seven years before it would be completed. He thought that such a scheme would be sufficient for the city of Victoria.

Dr. Dixey will be leaving by air on Monday.

Source: Hong Kong Sunday Herald 27th June 1948.

This article was first posted on 10th February 2021.

Related Indhhk articles:

Our Index contains many articles on mining and water supply in Hong Kong. Please look under Mine, Mining, Reservoir. Reservoirs and Hong Kong Water Supply.


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