The manufacturing of bronze cutlery in Hong Kong – 1960 article

HF: “The manufacture of bronze cutlery in Hong Kong began some eight years ago and already has earned a reputation for fine quality and excellent craftsmanship.

At the recent 9th Washington State International Trade Fair, the dazzling rows of knives, forks and spoons in elaborately-carved canteens or brocade-covered boxes attracted much interest from overseas buyers, and it is certain that orders will soon be placed with local manufacturers…”(1)

Cutlery Manufacturing Page 1 HK Trade Bulletin, Commerce & Industry Dept August 1960 Pp 244 246 HK Memory Project

Cutlery Manufacturing Page 2 HK Trade Bulletin, Commerce & Industry Dept August 1960 Pp 244 246 HK Memory Project

Cutlery Manufacturing Page 3 HK Trade Bulletin, Commerce & Industry Dept August 1960 Pp 244 246 HK Memory ProjectCutlery Manufacturing Page 4 HK Trade Bulletin, Commerce & Industry Dept August 1960 Pp 244 246 HK Memory ProjectCutlery Manufacturing Page 5 HK Trade Bulletin, Commerce & Industry Dept August 1960 Pp 244 246 HK Memory ProjectCutlery Manufacturing Page 6 HK Trade Bulletin, Commerce & Industry Dept August 1960 Pp 244 246 HK Memory Project


Source: Hong Hoong Trade Bulletin, Commerce & Industry Dept, August 1960 pp 244-246, Courtesy: The Hong Kong Memory Project

This article was first posted on 24th June 2018.


  1. The Hong Kong Memory Project Hong Kong Memory (HKM) is a multi-media web site that gives free and open access to digitized materials on Hong Kong’s history, culture and heritage. The materials include text documents, photographs, posters, sound recordings, motion pictures and videos.

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