Cheong Lee Shipyard, Shanghai shipyard makes good in Hong Kong, newspaper article 1950
IDJ has kindly sent the following newspaper article, published in February 1950 which adds further information to what we have about the Cheoy Lee Shipyard.
HF: I have retyped the article exactly as written.
Thanks to SCT for proof reading the retyped article.
HF: I would be grateful if anyone could send in images of the various vessels mentioned in the article as both IDJ and myself have struggled to do so.
I have also been unable to find an image of and/or information about Cheoy Lee Shipyard in Shanghai and again would be very grateful if anyone can provide either.
From the Ngauchiwan shipyard during recent after-Liberation years several innovations in harbour craft construction have made their debut in the Colony.
The “first of its kind” parade of vessels includes the catamaran life-saving craft, the “luxurious” flat-topped refuse lighter, the 45-foot sailing cruiser Orion and now under construction the Winslow-design foursum yacht.
The Cheoy Lee Shipyard was established in Shanghai some 60 years ago. The Japanese damaged its facilities in 1937 which led to the re-organisation of the firm in Hong Kong on the following year.
Only construction of light harbour vessels was carried out. After the Liberation, the shipyard turned out the innovations, some of which were designed in conjunction with the Marine Department, to set a precedence in each special type of work.
Today the shipyard is busy with the HK$2,000,000 reconversion of the fire-damaged Sai On hulk and the building of the Winslow-design craft, which is due to be completed by the middle of next month.
For U.S. airmen
This craft is one of the few yachts to be built in a Hong Kong shipyard since after the war. It is being constructed for an American airman now serving in Guam. The yacht will be shipped to Seattle Work started early this month.
There are nine catamaran life-saving craft which will be distributed to the local beaches during the forthcoming summer season. They were built at the Cheoy Lee Shipyard.
The design was the result of collaborative work by the Marine Department Yaumati Slipway Superintendent Engineer and the private shipyard personnel.
Estimated to cost about HK$900 for each catamaran the Cheoy Lee Shipyard has ready materials to produce one within a fortnight’s period.
This type of life-saving craft is believed to be the first of its kind seen in the Far East.
The pride of the shipyard is the 45-foot sailing cruiser Orion, which has won many local races and yachting events. Built last year at Ngauchiwan, the Orion was exclusively built out of locally made materials. The auxiliary engine is the only “foreign” product.
Five “luxurious” refuse lighters were specially built for the Government early last year. An innovation in such type of vessel, the 96-foot flat-topped lighter was designed by the Marine Department. The “unique” facilities include showers, running water, washing basins galleys and accommodation for 15 persons aboard each craft.
Source: The China Mail 20th February 1950.

Cheoy Lee Shipyard 1983 Courtesy: HK Memory
This article was first posted on 9th October 2021.
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