Tse Sam’s life in Hong Kong lighthouses and Green Island Cement Company

Tse Sam And His Wife Take 2

HF: Kenneth Wong has sent this brief biography of his grandfather Tse Sam’s life. I am always happy to learn about those who worked in Hong Kong’s industrial history, here lighthouses and Green Island Cement Company. Kenneth Wong: I am happy to have my grandfather TSE Sam’s information added to your website. He first joined the Harbour Master’s Department (as […]

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The demise of the Seawise University, aka Queen Elizabeth liner, in Hong Kong harbour

IDJ 12

HF: IDJ, long-time contributor to this website, has contributed the following article about the Seawise University ship, originally the Queen Elizabeth liner. As you will read IDJ witnessed at first-hand the demise of the ship. He also took the photographs of the ship. I am very grateful for his contribution in both areas. Thanks to SCT for proofreading the retyped […]

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Taikoo Dockyard 1950s workshops, plant, utilities and facilities – Part One

IDJ has sent extracts from an in-house Taikoo Dockyard book of the 1950s which cover a wide range of company facilities including a brief description of each and illustrative photographs. The Dock was at the height of its importance during this period, employed around 4,500 people, and offered a range of services which extended considerably beyond shipbuilding and ship maintenance. […]

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Andrew Weir Shipping and Trading Co.Ltd (Bank Line) – connection to Sha Lo Wan Mine, Lantau

Bank Line Advert New Source Unkown

HF: Tymon Mellor’s article, Sha Lo Wan Mine, includes, “A local company, The Bank Line (China) Ltd was interested in production of the ore for shipment to Japan, through Andrew Weir & Co, a local “reputable firm” as advised by the superintendent of Mines in a memo dated 7th January, 1953.” Here is an introduction to this British shipping company […]

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Golden Harvest Film Studio – Diamond Hill

Golden Harvest/Golden Studios was founded in 1970. When the Cathay Organisation withdrew from film production in HK, Golden Harvest took over their old studios at 8 King Tung Street, Hammer Hill Road, Diamond Hill. The studio was later used to make films by independent companies set up by artistes who then struck a deal with GH for funding, distribution etc. These […]

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The Hongkong Rope Manufacturing Co., Ltd – images from c1908

HF These images of The Hongkong Rope Manufacturing Co., Ltd come from Twentieth Century Impressions of Hongkong…published in 1908. The name of the company in the book is given as “Manufactory” but it appears to have been more usually known by the former name. I have given the same title to each image as appears in the book. Many thanks […]

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Douglas Lapraik – further information

Lapraik arrived in Hong Kong in 1842 the beginning of British colonisation. He established himself as a successful capitalist in many businesses like watchmaking, shipping, and the opium trade. He cofounded the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and Whampoa Dock Company, as well as investing in Keying, the first Chinese junk to sail from China to the US and Britain. […]

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Ching Loong Bakery (正隆餅家) 1889 – 1963

HF: “No. 118 Wellington Street was the main office of a bakery which was founded in 1889 and operated under the firm name of “Ching Loong” (正隆). In July 1923, Mr Ho Hong Po (何康甫), in co-partnership with Mr Ng Min Sau (吳勉修) bought Inland Lot No. 173 s.A ss.1 s.A from a Chinese woman at the price of $45,000, […]

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Scotch derricks – their use in Hong Kong construction projects

Ian Wolfe: The second photo shows construction of the basement of the Old Bank of China in progress with a Scotch [also known as a stiff-leg] derrick as the only means of rigging heavy steel sections, which was required for the excavation and lateral suppport (ESL) work when this was getting deeper. Scotch derricks were common in the old days […]

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