Eastern Extension Telegraph Company – linking HK to the world

HF: The article containing the report, The Causes and Effects of the Present Trade Depression in HK 1935 mentions The Eastern Extension Telegraph Company Ltd and its manager, a Mr Carter. Curious about the history of submarine communication cables linking Hong Kong and the rest of the world I discovered  an absorbing website run by Bill Burns. This goes under […]

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Lawrence Kadoorie, connected to CLP, Peak Tramways, HK Engineering & Construction, HK Brewers & Distillers, Kowloon Docks…

Lawrence Kadoorie HK Sunday Herald 15th Sept 1935 From IDJ

IDJ has sent the following newspaper article which was published in the Hong Kong Sunday Herald in a 1930s long series entitled Hong Kong Personalities. HF: As you will read Lawrence Kadoorie was connected to a very large number of Hong Kong companies, including China Light and Power, Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels Ltd, Peak Tramways, the Hong Kong Engineering […]

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GuGuSoy factory and restaurant, Ho Sheung Heung village, Sheung Shui

HF: The GuGuSoy factory and restaurant is located in Ho Sheung Heung village, just west of Long Valley which itself is west of Sheung Shui. It opened in 2005. By sheer concidence I was walking in that area on the 9th September 2014, when I came across both the restaurant and an SCMP article about it published on that day. […]

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Long Distance Telephone Service established between Hongkong and Canton, The Far Eastern Review October 1931

Long Distance Telephone Service Image 3

HF: Peter Crush has sent this article extracted from the Far Eastern Review of October 1931. HF: I have retyped the original version to aid clarity and searches. Thanks to SCT for proofreading the retyped version shown here. A new era of rapid telephone communication in China began on September 1, when long  distance telephone service was established between the […]

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British river steamer Sai On’s burnt out hulk reconversion at Cheoy Lee Shipyard, newspaper article

Tak Shing Image From Phil Kenny

IDJ has sent the following newspaper article on the reconstruction work being carried out by the Cheoy Lee Shipyard on the British river steamer, the Sai On. This was necessary as the following brief report details: “A few decades later, Hong Kong saw its most serious shipboard fire incident in the 20th century. In the evening of 4 February 1947, […]

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Ship movements in Victoria harbour – upgrades made to existing system of Marine Department, newspaper report 1950

New Look Out For Victoria Harbour Image From IDJ

IDJ has sent the following article on… HF: I have retyped the original article to aid clarity and searches, maintaining the exact script as in the original. Thanks to SCT for proofreading the original text. The image below, source and date unknown, was also sent by IDJ. HONG KONG WATERFRONT BY OUR HARBOUR REPORTER The caption attached to this rather […]

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Green Island Cement – manager late 1920s to 1949 indentified + photos of earlier manager’s house?

Hugh Farmer: Jane Taylor added this comment to the article, Green Island Cement Company – stunning photos, “ I can confirm that the building in the foreground of the photograph beneath the picture of the rotary kilns was, indeed, the manager’s house. My grandfather, Robert Taylor served as manager (I think from the late 1920s) until his retirement in 1949. Recently discovered […]

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