15 Shek Pai Wan (Aberdeen)

Hugh Farmer: While walking around Aberdeen last week I saw an information board that said, “the name Shek Pai Wan meant a bay packed with rows of stone”

Shek Pai Wan is Aberdeen harbour ie the water between Aberdeen and Ap Lei Chau.

Can anyone confirm that the above is correct. And if so what were the stones intended for, where did they come from and would I be right in thinking they were ready for shipping out of Hong Kong, (or less likely into)? And what period are we taking about?

It sounds very much like a HK quarry was involved. If so where was it?




  • Thomas Ngan

    Hi There,

    The term Shek Pai (石排) in this case is usually referring to some block of submerged rocks, which is very likely only visible and reacheable at low tide, usually hazardous to shipping.

    We have another example of similar feature in Stanley called 劏人排 (Tong Yan Pai) just a bit beyond St. Stephen’s. Rumoured to be an execution ground since the Qing Dynasty as well as during Japanese occupation.

    Thanks & Best Regards,

  • Hugh Farmer

    Then it sounds like I was wrong T, thanks for correcting me.

    I have posted my query and your answer as a new post Shek Pai Wan (Aberdeen).


  • Thomas Ngan

    Hi there,

    You might like to refer to this old map. A rock feature had been marked there on the shore.

    Thanks & Best Regards,


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