The ‘Vital Spark’ – last steam powered vessel to be licenced by the HK Marine Department 1988
IDJ: In 1984 The Hong Kong Society of Model & Experimental Engineers (HKSMEE) was officially registered. A major project by a member was a coal fired steam-engine powered launch, the ‘Vital Spark,’ based at Hebe Haven. The substantial steam engine and its accessories were built in a ‘home’ workshop with the hull constructed and fitted out near Hebe Haven.
Vital Spark was steamed regularly around the sheltered waters attracting a lot of attention.
It is understood that this was the last steam powered vessel to be licenced by the Hong Kong Marine Department.
It could carry six passengers and was first steamed in February 1988.

The Vital Spark in HK

The Vital Spark’s steam engine & coal fired boiler
The boat was relocated with its builder, an American, to New Zealand in June 1996.

The Vital Spark 2004 Courtesy: Peter Tait &
- Hong Kong Model Engineering Club Ltd – Home Page
This article was first posted on 18th March 2016.
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