Messageries Maritimes shipping line conference at the HK Maritime Museum on 7th December 2022
HF: Lise Maillard-Salin, Attachée at the Consulate Général of France in Hong Kong and Macau, has sent the following email: I noticed you published an article on the Messageries Maritimes last August based on the work of the French Historian François Drémeaux [The article is linked below]
I would like to inform you that he will be giving a conference on the same topic at the Maritime Museum Café on December 7th. You can find more information about this event on this link:
For more than a century, from the 1860s until the 1970s, the silhouette of the Messageries Maritimes liners was a familiar sight in Hong Kong harbour. François Drémeaux, a historian specialising in social, colonial and maritime history at the University of Le Havre-Normandie, offers an evocation of this ambitious maritime enterprise through a reconstructed crossing between Marseille and Yokohama. Of course, the Hong Kong call, which was strategic for the company, will be discussed at length. By playing on the scales, the historian will talk about the close links between imperial and maritime policies, he will retrace the route of some prestigious liners and will touch on some aspects of life on board.

The Messageries Maritimes Liner Porthos in Hong Kong Harbour c1930. Private Collection
This article was first posted on 26th November 2022.
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