Report – The Causes and Effects of the Present Trade Depression in HK 1935

Tymon Mellor and Hugh Farmer: The Causes and Effects of the Present Trade Depression in HK, was the result of a  Commission ” to enquire into the causes and effects of the present trade depression in Hong Kong and make recommendations for the amelioration of the existing position and for the improvement of the trade of the Colony”. It is dated July 1934 – February 1935.

HF: I think it is of particular interest to see what Chinese owned manufacturers were making in both 1920 and at the time of the report.

In 1935 the top four of these industries by total capital invested were:
1. Medicine and Perfumery
2. Knitting and Weaving
3. Printing and Stationery (Printing is I believe the largest “industry” in HK 2014)
4. Baking and Confectionary

Some industries that catch the eye are:
Cork and Cork hats
Noodles and Macaroni – only$ 21,000!
Rubber Canvas Shoes
Vermillion and White Lead

You might like to look at the Commission’s thoughts on Aviation and Tourism, “Hong Kong is a lovely place but what a pity there is so little to do.”

Report 1935 Causes and Effects of Trade Depression 1920 Chinese industries

Report 1935 a Causes and Effects of Trade Depression  Chinese industries

Report 1935 b Causes and Effects of Trade Depression  Chinese industries

Report 1935 c Causes and Effects of Trade Depression  Chinese industries

Report – The Causes and Effects of the Present Trade Depression in HK 1935


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