Ship Repairers & Shipbuilders (HK) Ltd, (subsidiary of HUD), 1978

CC Chen
James Chan: 1978 “Hongkong United Dockyards Ltd. (HUD) have formed a new subsidiary company — Ship Repairers & Shipbuilders (HK) Ltd.
The company will act as agents for a number of major overseas ship repairing companies and will liaise with local shipowners requiring docking and repair work overseas.
The new company has already obtained the agency for Lisnave in Portugal, one of the world’s largest ship repairing companies, and has also been appointed as agents by the other major Portuguese company, Setenave. They will also represent the two companies for new shipbuilding. Other major worldwide ship repairing companies are at present discussing representation with Ship Repairers & Shipbuilders (HK) Ltd.
The new s u b s i d i a r y will be headed by C.C. Chen, a highly experienced shipping executive who has been with HUD for 11 years.” (1)
”The 1950s were therefore very much a transitional period for Butterfield & Swire in terms of shipping. Its other operations in Hong Kong, Taikoo Sugar and Taikoo Dockyard – the latter having been extensively rebuilt after the damage it sustained from Allied bombing in the Second World War – flourished until the 1970s.
Thereafter the changes wrought by the advent of containers rendered the original site too small, and in 1972 Taikoo Dockyard, and its tug and salvage operations merged with Hongkong and Whampoa Dockyard, forming Hongkong United Dockyards and Hongkong Salvage & Towage respectively; they were relocated on Tsing Yi Island.” (2)

Hongkong United Dockyards undated Source: Wikipedia
- Maritime Reporter and Engineering News September 1978
- Changing Places – The remarkable story of Hong Kong Shipowners, Stephanie Zarach, Hong Kong Shipowners Association
This article was first posted on 5th April 2016.
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